Things to consider when starting a construction business

Starting A Construction Business: 6 Things to Consider Before Investing Your Time & Money

It’s just about everyone’s dream to be their own boss! That freedom brings with it responsibility, and if you’re looking to turn your construction experience into your own construction business, you will need to consider more than just the freedom of being your own boss. If you’re dedicated to your vision and committed to your goals, you can turn your new construction business into something that will bring you freedom, money, and success. Here are some tips to go from idea to successful business owner.


  1. Make a plan. You may be looking to rely on your construction experience to get you through the whole process of starting a new business. If you want to own a business, though, you need to treat it like a business. That means making a mission statement, writing out action plans, doing market research, and securing financing. If you’re truly dedicated to this business, you need to make sure you are ready to really do business.


  1. Ask for help. There is no shame in asking people who have been in your position for advice. Be scrutinizing of the advice you receive, but someone who runs their own construction business can offer you advice that will make everything easier. Reach out to someone you know, and don’t be afraid to ask questions.


  1. Don’t cut corners. Since you already have construction experience, you probably already know that you will need to be up-to-date on your operating license and permits to keep your business running. As you grow your company, you’ll realize that there are hundreds of other similar hoops you will need to jump through to keep the lights on. Remember that no matter how much these little things seem to pile up, ignoring them or cutting corners is only going to cause you issues in the long run.


  1. Get Insured. As a new business owner, you are now the one responsible when something bad happens. Get all the right insurance so you don’t end up on the hook for something that ends up sinking your business before it takes off. Learn more about insurance for general contractors here.


  1. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. You shouldn’t start a business planning to make mistakes, but try not to get discouraged when you do make them. Everyone makes mistakes, especially if they are starting a business for the first time. The important thing is to make sure that you recover from your mistakes and learn from them so you never make the same mistakes twice. Proper planning and surrounding yourself with the right people will help you navigate some of the common mistakes made by new business owners. That leads us into the final, but one of the most important pieces of advice…


  1. Hire the right people. You may not be able to hire a bunch of employees at the beginning (this all depends on the amount of funding you have secured), but your staff needs to be carefully chosen and well-trained regardless of size. At this point, you are still trying to figure out what your true vision is, which means you shouldn’t go out and hire 20 workers without having jobs lined up. With that said not having the right workers could steer your company in the wrong direction during the vulnerable beginning months. Hire people who make your job easier, not harder, and make sure they are well-trained and understand the company’s mission and how to fulfill it.


Opening a new business is an exciting adventure and if you are organized, plan your business carefully, and dedicate yourself to the endeavor, you could become a successful construction business owner and never have to answer to a boss again.